Update #0.1.1

Howdy y'all, Caleb here again.

Its been a busy 2 weeks here for Unknown Studios. As the last post was made near the end of our semester and finals week many members where busy, but now at last we've made it to the summer where we can put more time into the game. 

First, I want to thank y'all for the feedback that we have received about the state of the game. Obviously Memento was very buggy as a pre-alpha build. Hopefully y'all will be kind enough to be able to check in on Memento every one in a while to let us know how we are doing. 

That brings us to this Devlog. Currently internally we have barely scratched the surface of what we want to do, and luckily for y'all we want to do a lot. This update doesn't have any major gameplay changes yet, but they are in the works. The goal is, by the next Devlog, we will have new gameplay systems for y'all to interact with.

Patch #0.1.1 Changes:

  •  Carl's whole house has power.
  • Powerbox was added to the garage.
  • Player's can now flip power switches.
  • Carl can now run.
  •  Doors, Stairs, and other interactable should be more consistent and easy to use.


What are some of our future plans for Memento? 

  • While we can't say what's coming to Memento yet, as it ruins the surprise. We at Unknown Studio plan to release an updated build of Memento every two weeks until release in December. This is one, to keep from anyone trying to abandon the project, and two, to make sure we have time to test and release good content with minimum bugs. 

Why is there a person in the basement?

  • Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to answer that question yet. Better put, that's an answer y'all will have to find yourselves.

Get Memento

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